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The Injured

Three People Shot at Super Bowl Parade Grapple With Bullets Left in Their Bodies

Despite the rise of gun violence in America, few medical guidelines exist on removing bullets from survivors’ bodies. In the second installment of our series “The Injured,” we meet three people shot at the Kansas City Super Bowl parade who are dealing with the bullets inside them in different ways.

Forget Ringing the Button for the Nurse. Patients Now Stay Connected by Wearing One.

Dozens of hospitals have deployed a device that uses artificial intelligence to monitor patients remotely. One hospital says it reduces nurses’ workloads — but some nurses fear the technology could replace them.

Biden Team’s Tightrope: Reining In Rogue Obamacare Agents Without Slowing Enrollment

Federal regulators face a growing challenge — how to prevent rogue health insurance agents from switching unknowing consumers’ Obamacare coverage without making the enrollment process so cumbersome that enrollment declines.

Amgen Plows Ahead With Costly, Highly Toxic Cancer Dosing Despite FDA Challenge

The FDA told Amgen to test whether a quarter-dose of its lung cancer drug worked as well as the amount recommended on the product label. It did and with fewer side effects. But Amgen is sticking to the higher dose — which earns it an additional $180,000 a year per patient.

What’s Keeping the US From Allowing Better Sunscreens?

A decade after Congress told the FDA to expedite the approval of more effective sunscreens, the federal government still has not approved sunscreen ingredients that are safely being used around the world. Meanwhile, skin cancer is the nation’s most common cancer.

Listen to the Latest ‘KFF Health News Minute’

“Health Minute” brings original health care and health policy reporting from the KFF Health News newsroom to the airwaves each week.

Could Better Inhalers Help Patients, and the Planet?

Puff inhalers can be lifesavers for people with asthma and other respiratory diseases, but some types release potent greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. That, in turn, worsens wildfires, contributes to air pollution, and intensifies allergy seasons — which can increase the need for inhalers. Some doctors are helping patients switch to more eco-sensitive inhalers.

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Picture of Health

A Record Number of Californians Are Visiting Emergency Rooms for Dog Bites

There were nearly 50,000 emergency room visits for dog bites in California in 2022. The rate of such visits per capita is up about 70% since 2005.

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